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Getting Started with Earth Engine
December 15, 2020
8:00 PM
8:51 PM
Earth Engine is Google’s planetary-scale platform for Earth science data analysis, powered by Google's cloud infrastructure. Earth Engine provides the ability to rapidly create algorithms that analyze massive amounts of geospatial data, including satellite raster imagery, vector boundary data, tabular data, and more. This event will get you comfortable with Earth Engine basics, and introduce you to two development environments: the Code Editor (JavaScript) and Colab (Python). Woohoo!

You can find the slides and other resources for this event here.

Tyler Erickson

Developer Advocate

Google Earth Outreach

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Nick Clinton

Developer Advocate

Google Earth Outreach

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Justin Braaten

Technical Writer

Google Earth Outreach

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Gino Miceli

Developer Relations Engineer

Google Earth Outreach

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