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Akira Kodaka

Project Assistant Professor

Keio University

Albert Martinez Sequero

Climate Security Specialist

United Nations Environment Programme

Alley Rutzel

UX Director


Alok Singh

District Informatics officer


Alta De Vos

Senior Lecturer

Rhodes University

Alvaro Silberstein

Co-Founder, CEO

Wheel the World

Amanda Bishop

Product Manager, Plus Codes


Amber Jean McCullum

Applied Scientist

NASA Ames Research Center

Anaika Pathak


Yuva Yodha – a student led initiative

Andrew Dowding

Managing Director


Andrew Wilcox

Senior Manager, Sustainable Sourcing & Digital Programs


Anjali Singhvi

Graphics/Multimedia Editor

The New York Times

Ankush Sud

Senior Program Manager

Google Maps

Ariana Mercer

Mapping Team Lead

CEDR Digital Corps

Björn Haßler


Open Development & Education

Brandon Williams

Innovation and Strategy

Eagle County Government in Colorado, U.S.

Brian Ellis

Software Engineer

Google Earth

Brian Smoliak

Lead Scientist

Reflective Earth

Brian Sullivan

Senior Program Manager


Brookie Guzder-Williams

Director of Data Science

World Resources Institute

Can Comertoglu

Product Manager

Google Crisis Response

Carly Vynne


Osprey Insights

Chi Pham

UX Designer

Google Earth

Christiaan Adams

Developer Advocate

Google Earth Outreach & Crisis Response

Christophe Restif

Software Engineer

Google Crisis Response

Christopher Brown

Technical Lead, Geospatial Machine Learning


Clara Rowe



Craig Hanson

Vice President of Food, Forest, Water & the Ocean

World Resources Institute

Crystal Davis

Director, Land & Carbon Lab

World Resources Institute

Damien Saint-Macary

Software Engineer

Google Earth

David Gibson

Technical Lead

Google Earth Engine

David Lobell


Stanford University

David Saah

Professor, University of San Francisco / Principal SIG

Derrick Sinyon

Environmental Coordinator

Native Village of Gakona

Devaja Shah

Program Manager

Google Earth Outreach

Eligio Maure


NPEC (Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center)

Elkin A. Noguera-Urbano


Instituto Humboldt

Elsa Marie D'Silva


Red Dot Foundation

Emily Schechter

Product Manager

Google Earth Engine

Ermes Tuon

Manager of digital mapping, photography and video making

Progetto re-Cycle

Fatuma Iseje

Environmental Health Officer

Ministry of Health (Mkushi)

Fred Stolle

Deputy Director Forests Program

World Resources Institute

Genevieve Patenaude

CEO and Founder

Earth Blox

Genki Terauchi

Senior Researcher

NPEC (Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center)

Iain Woodhouse


Edinburgh University

Isabel DeRoy-Olson

Jacqueline Rajuai

Program Manager, Plus Codes


Jai Asundi

Executive Director

Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy

James Rattling Leaf

Research Associate

CIRES/University of Colorado-Boulder

Joel Conkling

Product Manager

Google Earth Engine

Joseph Erb

Josh Williams


Round Rock ISD

Julian Fox

Senior Forestry Officer


Justin Huntington

Chief Science Officer

Climate Engine

Kaninik Baradi

Strategic Initiatives Officer

Urban Management Centre | Facilitating innovative technologies, intersectoral learning and system strengthening across programs and geographies

Karin Tuxen-Bettman

Senior Program Manager & Lead

Google Earth Outreach & Project Air View

Karis Tenneson

Director of Environmental Mapping

Spatial Informatics Group

Kelly Van Baalen

Project Manager

Climate Central

Kim Palmer

Destination Optimization Program Director

Miles Partnership

Kishore Kowtham

Assistant Engineer, CMWSSB

Research Scholar, Anna University

Krishnapriya Tamma

Assistant Professor

Azim Premji University (Bangalore)

Laura Duncanson

Assistant Professor

University of Maryland

Leila Hadj-Chikh

Senior Software Developer

Climate Central

Lisa Lehmann

Director of Bioethics and Health Trust


Liza Goldberg

Biospheric Scientist, NASA / Undergraduate, Stanford University

Luis Arteida

Development and Research Coordinator

World Enabled

Luiz Amaral

Director, Commodities and Finance

World Resources Institute

Manjunatha Venkatappa

Founder and CEO, LEET Carbon

Scientist, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.

Marie Schellens

Environmental Security Analyst


Masami Tanaka-Jenkins

Head of Suncle Group


Matt Hancher

Engineering Lead

Google Earth and Earth Engine

Matthew Hansen

Professor, Global Land Analysis & Discovery Lab

University of Maryland Dept of Geographical Sciences

Michael DeWitt

Sr. Partner DevRel Engineer

Google Earth Engine

Michaela Shirley

Program Manager

University of New Mexico Indigenous Design and Planning Institute

Michelle Stuhlmacher

Assistant Professor

DePaul University

Mike Makwela

Senior Programme Coordinator


Moka Apiti


Digital Navigators Ltd

Muryel Arantes

Project Manager


Nathan Eaton

Executive Director


Nick Clinton

Developer Advocate


Nithya Sowrirajan

Director, Global Product Solutions


Nosiseko Mtati

Catchment coordinator

Rhodes University

Nyein Soe Thwal

Geospatial Data Scientist


Ollie Guinan

Software Engineer Manager


Page Ive

User Experience Researcher

Google (Travel Team, Hotels)

Patrik Blohmé

Product Manager

Google Earth

Paulo Arévalo

Postdoctoral Associate

Boston University

Pratima Joshi

Founder and Executive Director

Shelter Associates

Rafael Monge

Director National Center of Geoenvironmental Information

MINAE Costa Rica

Raleigh Seamster

Senior Program Manager

Google Earth Outreach

Rebecca Moore


Google Earth and Earth Engine

Rohan Kumar

Program Manager

Google Maps

Rónadh Cox

Edward Brust Professor of Geology and Mineralogy

Williams College

Samira Barzin

Research Associate

University of Oxford and The World Bank

Sander de Haas

Hydrologist and Co-founder


Santonu Goswami

Senior Scientist, Earth and Climate Science Area, NRSC

ISRO Hyderabad, India.

Sasha Blair-Goldensohn

Developer Relations Engineer


Sean Healey

Research Ecologist

Rocky Mountain Research Station (USDA/USFS)

Shijuan Chen

PhD Candidate

Boston University

Shiro Kawakita

Senior Engineer, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Acting Executive Secretariat, Sentinel Asia. Board member of the International Charters, Space and Major Disaster

Shiva Subramanya S

IT Manager

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)

Steve DeRoy

Director, The Firelight Group; Founder, Indigenous Mapping Workshop

Tanya Birch

Program Manager

Google Earth Outreach

Tara O'Shea

Director of Forest Programs

Planet Labs

Taro Hosaka

Forest planning technical officer, Forestry Agency

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Taskeen Adam

Associate Manager

Open Dev & Education

Tasso Azevedo

General Coordinator


TC Chakraborty

Earth Scientist

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Theodore (Ted) Jojola

Director / Professor

University of New Mexico Indigenous Design and Planning Institute

Thiyaku S


Satyukt Analytics Pvt Ltd

Tim Mayer

NASA SERVIR - Hindu Kush Himalaya Regional Science & Coordination Lead


Tomomi Matsuoka

Program Manager

Google Earth Outreach

Tyler Erickson

Developer Advocate

Google Earth Outreach

Valerie Pasquarella

Visiting Researcher


Vanessa Schneider

Program Manager

Google Crisis Response

Vasco Van Roosmalen

Executive Director


Villerabel Mathias

Applied Scientist

Synspective Inc

Yen Ping Teh

Strategic Partner


Yifang Ban

Professor and Director of Geoinformatics Division

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden

Youchen Shen

PhD Candidate

Utrecht University

Yvonne Fong

Data Scientist

EO Data Science

Zia Zhu

Software Engineer

Google Earth

Zoltan Szantoi

Land Applications Scientist

European Space Agency

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