Rebecca Moore
Google Earth
Hema Budaraju
Director, Product Management
Nithya Sowrirajan
Raleigh Seamster
Senior Program Manager
Google Earth Outreach
Matt Hancher
Engineering Lead
Google Earth, Earth Engine, Earth Studio, and Environmental Insights
Tomomi Matsuoka
Program Manager
Google Earth Outreach
Jacqueline Rajuai
Program Manager
Plus Codes
Marisa Leung
Software Engineer
Environmental Insights Explorer
Patrik Blohmé
Product Manager
Google Earth
Brian Ellis
Software Engineer
Google Earth
Jordon Mears
Tech Lead Manager
Google Earth
Emily Henderson
Program Manager
Google Learning and Education
Josh Williams
Round Rock ISD
Mike Tavendale
Program Manager
Google Earth Studio
David Gibson
Technical Lead
Google Earth Engine
Joel Conkling
Product Manager
Google Earth Engine
Steven Ramage
Head of External Relations
Group on Earth Observations Secretariat
Michael DeWitt
Senior Software Engineer
Google Earth Engine
Karin Tuxen-Bettman
Senior Program Manager
Google Earth Outreach
Simon Ilyushchenko
Google Earth Engine
Vanessa Schneider
Program Manager
Google Crisis Response
Ryan Galleher
Program Manager
Google Crisis Response
Steven P. Brumby, Ph.D.
Senior Advisor, National Geographic Society & CEO, Impact Observatory
Craig Hanson
Vice President for Food, Forest, Water & The Ocean
World Resources Institute
Christopher F. Brown
Software Engineer
Google Earth Engine
Tanya Birch
Program Manager
Google Earth Outreach
Sai Cheemalapati
Senior Software Engineer
Google Earth Engine
Tyler Erickson
Developer Advocate
Google Earth Outreach
Arian Karbasi
Tech Lead
Google Earth Engine
Daniel Coelho
Software Engineer
Google Earth Engine
Devaja Shah
Program Manager
Google Earth Outreach
Yen Ping Teh
Strategic Partner Manager
Steve DeRoy
Director, The Firelight Group and Founder, Indigenous Mapping Workshop
Aurélie Shapiro
Senior Remote Sensing Specialist
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Alex Pigot
Addressing the Unaddressed
Yifang Ban
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Kel Markert
Research Scientist
Andy Jeffrey
Technology Consultant
Coffee & Computers
Andrew Wilcox
Sustainable Sourcing Manager
Grant Connette
Research Ecologist
Smithsonian Institution
Muryel Arantes
Ecam - Equipe de Conservação da Amazônia
Aaron Doucett
Sales Engineer
Applied Geographics, Inc
Tirthankar Chakraborty (TC)
Climate Scientist
Yale School of the Environment
Christian Thomas
Geospatial Engineer
Anup Joshi
Program Coordinator / Research Associate
University of Minnesota / RESOLVE
Drew Cooper
Deputy Director
Rural Utah Project
Beth Tellman
Chief Science Officer and Co-founder
Cloud to Street
Justin Huntington
Research Professor
Desert Research Institute
Toshio Okumura
Senior Expert, Global Partnership Development Section
Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC)
Abhishek Potnis
Ph.D Candidate
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Brookie Guzder-Williams
Director of Data Science
World Resources Institute
Isabelle Tingzon
Machine Learning Researcher
Thinking Machines Data Science
Krishna Karra
Machine Learning Researcher
Pramod Sridharamurthy
India Literacy Project
Eliakim Hamunyela
University of Namibia
Sabina Rosca
Ph.D Candidate
Wageningen University
Andrei Mirt
Ph.D Candidate
Wageningen University
Sean Wohltman
Cloud Geographer
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